Information on Sun City West Water Issues

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.
Poor Richard’s Almanac”
~ Benjamin Franklin

PORA Water Committee Mission Statement

The PORA Water Committee serves to disseminate information on the consumption and conservation of water within the Sun City West community. The committee also shares relevant updates on regional water issues when pertinent and available. The committee encourages and educates the SCW residential and commercial water users to be diligent stewards in the protection of our precious water supply.

The PORA water committee meets monthly under the guidance of board member Dave Hunter. The committee consists of knowledgeable individuals from Sun City West, CAP and Epcor. Meetings are open to the public and are scheduled for the third Tuesday each month at 9:30 am in the PORA office. There are no meetings in the months of July and August.

Discussion items of interest to the committee members and Sun City West residents might be:

  • Where does our water come from; for our homes; for our golf courses?
  • Who uses our water?
  • Where does our water go?
  • Reporting “Fugitive Water”
  • Where is my water meter and how do I read it?
  • There is a question about my water bill.
  • How do I check for water leaks on my property?
  • Will it help to replace turf with desert rock?
  • What type of plants can I use to reduce water needs?
  • Are any water system maintenance or upgrade projects scheduled soon?
  • Others

The meetings involve reviews and information exchange between the committee members and guests.

If you have a question or information concerning anything related to water in or about our community, please attend our meetings or submit a note to the PORA office and the committee will review and respond as soon as possible.

See you at the next Water Committee meeting at 9:30am in the PORA office at 13815 W. Camino del Sol in Sun City West.

June 30, 2023 UPDATE:

New Phoenix AMA Model Shows Limits of Groundwater as an Assured Water Supply

February 13, 2023 UPDATE – What is Desalination?

January 13, 2023 UPDATE – What is Fugitive Water?

May 21, 2024 UPDATE – Water Committee Updated PowerPoint

Outdoor Water Efficiency Starts with a Suitable Landscape (1)

Spring has arrived, and now is the perfect time for outdoor planning. With a little strategy and knowledge, it’s easy to design and maintain a landscape best suited to our climate. This is all the more important as we look for ways to be more water-wise knowing that here in the Valley, most water use occurs outdoors and not inside the home.

A well-designed, desert-adapted landscape can be more than just picturesque it can also help lower your water bill, save you time and money in upkeep, add value to your home and even reduce your electricity use. But creating an appropriate landscape for our climate doesn’t mean they all have to be the same. You can add your own sense of style to ensure your outdoor living space is everything you want while still being efficient with your outdoor water use. And if you aren’t quite sure where to start, we are here to help.

Proper planning is a must
Planning should be a priority when designing your landscape because a beautiful, functional yard begins with a great plan. When designing your landscape, consider preferences, such as the look you want to achieve, how you will use your yard, how much time you want to spend caring for your yard, and your budget as you develop your unique plan.

To help with all phases of planning and building your yard precisely how you like, there are resources and tips to help design, install, and maintain your landscape on the Xeriscaping: Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert website.

Also look to EPCOR “Water Conservation Help and Tips” online, and our PORA Vendor list for landscape companies for additional ideas.

  • AMWUA Blog 3/28/23

Storm Drains

Storm Drain - StormwaterStorm Drains are found all over our streets and parking lots. You pass by and see them every day. They are in place to gather stormwater runoff and take it to local waterways. Did you know stormwater runoff is one of the leading causes of water pollution in the United States? As it flows over streets and parking lots it picks up dirt, oil, trash, chemicals and other pollutants.

Therefore, when water from an irrigation system runs off down the street, as many do, it is not only wasting water and money, but this also adds to the pollution problem from the community. So, please keep an eye on what happens to your irrigation or pool draining water, etc. and adjust to ensure the most efficient operation. This can be done by monitoring sprinkler operations and in the case of a swimming pool, keep the water on your property or use the sanitary sewer cleanout piping in your yard.

Many thanks from the Water Committee.

Sun City West Water Note

Recently there has been a lot of information in the media about the status of Lake Mead and the Colorado River. The reports are not encouraging since the lake and the river are both stressed from lack of sufficient water to meet the demands of the states in the system.

Did you know that Sun City West does not rely on the Colorado River nor the Salt River for its water supply? Our water source is groundwater pumped from a number of wells located in the community. So, what is the problem?

There is an indirect connection to the water shortages from the rivers/canals and Sun City West groundwater. For the farmers who experience water reductions from the CAP canal system, we may see the replacement of the lost water by drilling of water wells. These water wells will likely deplete the water from the same aquifer relied upon by Sun City West and similar communities.

Have you seen the pictures of Lake Mead where there is a ring around the banks showing the decline from former water levels? Now try to visualize the aquifer below Sun City West. Is it full of water, or could the water level be dropping just like Lake Mead?

Question: “Did you know that much of the groundwater pumped for Sun City West originated from a glacial melt about 10,000 years ago?”
Answer: This is why it is sometimes referred to as “Fossil Water.”
Since there is a slim likelihood that another glacier is on the way, when our water is gone, it is gone. Think about it!

Question: “What do the Anasazi, Hohokam and Sun City West have in common?”
Answer: Megadrought
Although other factors are believed to have also contributed to the demise of the two Indian Tribes, the long-lasting droughts of the 13th and 15th centuries were major contributors. Sun City West has the advantage of drawing water from a large groundwater aquifer via large volume wells. But how long will they last?

Interested in Water Conservation?
Attend our monthly Water Committee meetings.
Contact PORA for more information.