November 8, 2023 – 1:30 PM
PORA Conference Room
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Introduction and Welcome
3. Current Update
A. MCSO – Deputy Johnathan Sanchez
B. McDOT – Mitch Wagner, Intergovernmental Branch Manager
C. SCW Posse – John Merkel
D. Arizona Fire & Medical – Chief Robert Olmstead,
E. SCW Prides – Ron Rada
F. SCW Cyclists – Jeff Bodmer
G. Maricopa County – Michelle Montijo, Ombudsman, Asst. County Manager
4. Old Business
A. Elder scams, email and phone, targeting seniors on rise. Information provided by MCSO
Deputy Redman. Seminar will be held by MCSO November 15 in Sun City.
B. RHJ Westbound at 151st, resident wants right turn lane installed. Limousine Dr is .4
miles from intersection. McDOT study done, rejected. Close file.
C. Increased accidents occurring at intersections with no traffic control, i.e. stop signs/traffic
lights. New “Ghost Cars” now working Dist. III, increased traffic enforcement.
D. Are plans/programs in place for emergencies/responses for excessive heat, strong winds,
floods, power outages. Existing plans are being updated and revised now. Still several
months away from implementation.
E. Autonomous vehicles, operated by May Mobility will start driving in SCW in near future.
Presentative from May Mobility will discuss operation plans for SCW.
F. McDOT construction projects, ADA sidewalk improvements.
5. New Business
A. Maui Fire: What happened? Why? Communication Failures? First responder failures?
(Remember Yarnell fire), Can it happen here?
B. Comprehensive Traffic Study on RH Johnson Blvd. McDOT working on compiling this
C. “Notify McDOT” App.
D. Increased DUI Task Force activity Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s holidays.
6. Next meeting, January 24, 2024.
7. Adjournment

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